Where have the Merrill's been? A lot has happened since July, so let me catch you up!

In July, we went to Encinitas, CA to spend a week on the beach with our friends (The Tolar Family). Fifteen of us slept under one roof! It was a week full of good food (each family cooked dinner one night), fun on the beach, games, naps, visits to the corner doughnut shoppe, and beach time. We look forward to this trip every year.

July 26th, 2010, was the girl's first day of school! They follow a year round schedule but it still seemed so early to start! Catalina started 1st grade with a bang and Ava started pre-K, 5 mornings a week.

And then the roof caved in....no really...

...it did. After a lot of rain one night, the ceiling in the BRAND NEW kitchen, yes, you heard me, the brand new kitchen, started leaking. So we called the roofing company...only to find out it was our air handler. See, a couple of years ago we had a BRAND NEW air handler installed and it was installed incorrectly. The overflow pan was leaking right into our dining room.
Then, my van was hit in a parking lot by a hit and run driver. Had to have the passenger door replaced with a $500 deductible...thank you very much. Finally, our computer stopped working, only to find out it would cost $900 for a new logics board. After returning to the Apple Store a month later with the iMac to have my data transferred to my laptop, they were able to find a way to fix it for free!!
And now I am back to blogging...I have a lot to post so stay tuned!