Monday, February 15, 2010

Valentine's Cookies

The girls and I cooked cookies last Sunday, decorated them on Tuesday and delivered them to our neighbors on Wednesday. Ava prefers the frosting, as you can tell from the picture below...

When you frost and decorate cookies with a 5 and 3 year old, you do a lot of hand washing!

Here is the result! The girls had a great time and the neighbors loved the cookies (or maybe they just loved two cute girls at their door shouting "Happy Valentine's Day!")

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Funny Thing

Here is a very funny thing about Ava....she opens gifts and then puts them back in the bag...never to be looked at again. She likes them all packed up and put away. I brought home the gift in the heart bag from Wisconsin in January. The gift in the silver bag was given to her a week later. She also added a gift from Daddy that he brought home early February.
When I left for Wisconsin in January, I wrote the girls a note and left it under their pillows. Cat read the note, ate the candy and put it all in the garbage. Ava read the note, put it back in the envelope, re-licked the envelope...
...and it is still sitting on her bedside table. Is there a name for this behavior?
or is it just "craziness?"

1st Tooth

Catalina lost her 1st tooth on January 16th, 2010. The tooth fairy was so good to her! I was out of town so she waited until I got home to put her tooth under her pillow. Of course, it was very scary to her that the tooth fairy would actually come into her room but she pushed through it. She was so excited to see the new "fairy" earrings, 2 dollar bill and four special coins!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Flip Video

I just bought a new, very small video camera called a Flip Video. I can't wait to use it with the girls. It's small enough to fit in my purse so I hope to use it more than my big video camera. Uploading it onto my blog was a snap. Here is some video of Catalina reading to Ava May. They do this every night. Enjoy!