This year the Easter Bunny left the girls a note in the bathtub. Last year the baskets were left in the bathtub and he knew it was the first place they would look...and it was! The note read, "Nope, no Easter baskets here! Here is a clue: Where do your dirty clothes go after they've been washed? Good Luck! The Easter Bunny." It took them a couple of guesses and then they realized, "the dryer!" Off they went (and it was only 6am!).
At 6:30am the egg hunt began.
Ava found one in the pool!
Cat found the last one in the swing set!
Since Easter is the day the pool officially opens at the Merrill's...they went for a swim. It's not cold Papa, it's freezing!
Then off to the Tolar's for another egg hunt, delicious brunch and mimosas.

Here is the whole crew: Jonas (2), Ava (4), Gray (5), Catalina (5), and Ben (8). What a great looking group (could we be more color coordinated?).
This was a really fun Easter. The girls were so excited and loved the clue from the Easter Bunny. If we could only get them to sleep in a little longer...