The last day of Kindergarten was May 28th, 2010. It was so bittersweet for me. I am so proud of Catalina...she worked hard this year and really grew academically, socially, and emotionally. She is so sweet, caring, considerate and hard-working (okay...and a high achiever). Saying good-bye to her teachers and friends put such a pit in my stomach. Cat's teachers were amazing and understood her so well. They nurtured her when she needed it yet really pushed her to try new things. Catalina did not want school to end was such a safe place for her.

The first day of Kindergarten (7/09).

Ava started preschool this year and went Tues/Thurs all day. Ava is an amazing student (much to our surprise!). She learned so much this year and made a ton of new friends. Ava loved school and never wanted to miss a day. I am so proud of her. Ava is strong willed, very social, funny, and a role model in her class. Next year she will be in Pre-K five mornings a week...and she is ready for it.

Catalina's last day of school with her teachers, Mrs. Reid and Mrs. Loop.

Cat's last day of school...on to first grade!

Ava's last day of school with her teachers, Mrs. Lyons and Mrs. Shiverdecker.