When the girls and I were in Wisconsin this summer, Todd did a lot of work on the house. When we arrived home, he surprised us with putting hardwood in the last two rooms! He completed the girls room and the toy/guest/grandma's room. He did an awesome job and we loved it!

Ava in the kitchen...she is always busy making something!
This is the new bed we put in the guest room and for Grandma Dorothy. It's a full bed so it gives the girls a little more room to spread out.
Todd designed the girl's closet and we moved all of their clothes in their room from the guest room closet. I bought the clothes organizer for the girl's and on Sunday nights we pick out an outfit for each day of the week. It saves tons of time in the morning and many arguments!

Here is a good shot of the floor...Ava sleeps on the left and Catalina's bed is on the right. They love sharing a room and look at me puzzled when I tell them that one day they might want their own room!