Ava's pre-K class had a special Halloween celebration. They made light up jack-o-lanterns and we read a Halloween book using them in the dark classroom. Everyone dressed up in costumes...except Ava. She did not want to wear her costume or bring it to school, "just in case."

Ava and her jack-o-lantern...getting ready to read.

The class sung "Five Little Pumpkins" to us!

Halloween night...Ava was Ariel again...different costume. She was fine, as long as none of the costume touched her skin. She is wearing long pants under her skirt.

On Halloween Eve, I went to look for Catalina's costume. She was going to be a ladybug (from the Bugz Play last spring in kindergarten). But guess what, I could not find it anywhere! I search and searched and searched. So at 8:30pm, the night before Halloween, I ran to Target and found a Flapper's costume among the leftover Halloween crap. Catalina loved it!

Catalina and Grey (Dracula)

The girls and I made a gingerbread Haunted House. We bought a kit from Williams Sonoma and it was truly a pain in the butt-kick to assemble. They didn't care and ate many sprinkles during my frustration. It really turned out cute!

Happy Halloween!