This little Daisy sold 252 boxes of Girls Scout cookies! She was very motivated by the incentive prizes and really worked hard this year...and her dad worked hard getting his co-workers to buy cookies. I was the cookie mom in her troop and had over 1,000 boxes of cookies in our garage. Luckily, Todd and his dad picked them up and brought them home. The girls helped me separate the orders and double check the boxes. Oh what fun...and we still don't have all of Cat's orders delivered.

Congratulations Catalina! Catalina moved to Team in gymnastics! What does this mean? Cat will practice 3 nights a week for 2 1/2 hours each night. In the Fall, she will compete in meets on the weekends and in the Spring the competition schedule increases. If you know me, you know I am very stressed and nervous about this decision. I question if we are doing the right thing (she is only 6!). She loves the sport and is so dedicated to it. We are fortunate that she is also a solid, motivated student and does not have difficulties keeping up with the school work.

We are really proud of her!