Sunday, November 16, 2008

Breakfast with the Giraffes

On Friday, Ava and I went to the zoo at 8am to have breakfast with the giraffes.  The guide took us into the giraffe barn where the giraffes sleep.  We had to be very quiet.  We fed the giraffes carrot pieces out of our hands!  The giraffe's head was as big as Ava!  They had very long purple tongues and pokey whiskers.  Ava was a little freaked out and would not feed one.  The giraffe's zookeeper walked through and the five giraffes started circling and lined up at their VERY tall barn door.  They saw him or smelled him...realized it was 9am...time to head outside to the Savanna.  What an incredible morning!

Here are Murray and Ginger enjoying some down time.*
The girls enjoy bath time with Daddy!

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